A safety expert once said we should do a safety walk to look for high risk activities in the workplace. This sort of comment has not addressed that the high risk work should have been investigated proir to it being done in the first place, so much me expertise!!
High risk (in context of the work) should have been
investigated in a safety assessment/study conducted prior
to the organisation commencement of operation. A safety assessment is a
comprehensive and systematic investigation and analysis of ‘all’ aspects of
risks to health and safety associated with events that may potentially occur in
the course of operation.
A safety walk should not have to look for high risk
activities for 1) they should be addressed by the competent
workers overseeing/doing the task if the risk presents itself outside of the
known context 2) the organisation should have already addressed high risk prior
to the inception (could be at the start or an introduction of a new topic into
the company that should have gone through a risk assessment process) of any new
risk. Who is best to understand their team, the team leader of the operation,
not the safety person or for that matter the CEO.