"We wish for utopia but the true reality is that we exist in Dystopia. Any fool who thinks otherwise is the person who lives in a world of dreams"MD And as with all my sites, a least I write my own topics and my site is not that of others.
Its about a different perspective
It’s amazing when those who think they like free speech turn away when questioned. Extremist views on the nature of things grant nothing but extremism itself. You want to live in grey, then stop pushing and advertising an ideology, for as soon as a person speaks their mind, they are making their opinion...MD / The photo represents the naive thinking that one can think in an unconscious grey state of mind: you cannot think in an unconscious state (thinking is an effort). I am not sure where some get their expert titles from! The grey area represents those who think grey areas is where safety should be. Status Quo is the alternative solution that may emerge over time in following of those who think they know all. An head up arse is just where some people thrive...sorry
Alan Quilley stupid comment
This is a reply from a excellence safety coach with much common knowledge from the same books as others he likes
Alan Quilley CRSP The legal "justice" system has been unable to alter human behaviour is other areas of society. Why in the world would we believe that it will work in this area. (Tongue in cheek comment) "Thank GAWD we've stopped killing each other, that illegal drug thing has gone away as has crimes against children. I can't wait for it to work in OH&S!" Give our collective heads a shake and recognize this is simply about Crime and Punishment (revenge). Again I'm open to hearing about any solution that actually worked! I'm certainly unaware of any show lessDelete
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My Reply in Blue..the colour if the comment button in the LinkedIn Forum
Alan, you really should stop making your point as if you think its a TIC comment, you are mockingly serious..:)?
Alan...Just like the zero harm debate (laws won't stop harm), so to laws will not stop every criminal...but they stop many from taking this pathway of doing as they feel (maybe we could have a law to stop closed mided excellecne coasches banning people because they disagree with them:):):):):)...so in safety (this area) blame plays a very important part in maintaining a sense of order for the greater good of all... You push reaching a high goal like excellence, and sell 'your excelence' service to organisations as a means to reach some goal just of perfection....are you not aware of your own marketing and that you offer a solution!!! maybe a emperor has a hat! show less
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My reply...to this post HERE
Actually, I see this same thing with group-think (group dynamics etc - my favorite topic of late). Some people are so entrapped/magnetised by a leader/hero (like a cult leader) that they have nothing to say (as in that its all parroted)...hence the true leader (the one with something to gain 'overall') has got what they want...followers!...the true masters of manipulation (using humble enquiry and reverse psychology) are the ones who know how to manipulate and know who is easy prey...I know of many prey an know of some hunters!
I don't get it
I have never seen a couple of people get away with so much rubbish in relation to safety in all my life.
Alan Quilley and Robert Long are two of the biggest bullshit masters out there selling safety jargon in my view.
Alan wants real evidence otherwise he does not believe in anything!...yet, he believes that common knowledge exists (as he researched it!) and that excellence is not a a high order goal!!!...he is a excellence coach I suppose so must be excellent to teach it (oh, but his view on excellence is just being OK at playing the guitar). He is always making smart arse comments HA:) (that for some reason people do not see), and basically says all manner of nonsense such as zero harm does not exist but we can manage ALL risk!!!...yeah that'll sell!
Robert Long has serious issues as everyone who does not agree with him is a less than thou. Puts down passionate safety people and even used the spudhead to describe them (what good that does I have no idea other than just his way of being superior), outs down organisations like Safety institute of Australia (as they did not included his views that he tried many times to sway to them..so he sooked and turned on them), makes joke of people with Cert IV and Diplomas...as if his out dated Dr tittle is anything go on (have no idea what it is for anyway..probably art). Will attach himself to anyone that can boost his name. etc etc.. and basically just copies other real acdemics. I am also not sure he has ever been a safety person...as for one thing is sure in my view..nothing he promotes would see him last long in any safety role.
Both have spammed (and most likely tried to convince others under their manipulation powers) me simply on the basis I did not agree with their views (Alan on common knowledge and Robert on Data) plus many other topics which is why they do not like me and make sure other don't either. And what makes it even more pathetic is they write posts about me in some manner to hide who they are talking about...but they do this so i cannot read it and then they have their little fun sucking other weak minded people into their cult like attitudes. I could just see these two in the sand pit in grade one when someone took their toy away...cry!
I just have no idea why people follow these guys!. But i suppose it does not surprise me that 95% of people are easy lead and manipulated...humbly of course via the art of persuasion!
Oh. and Long uses other peoples safety sites to promote his topics as cannot get people to follow his own site...
That's my very short rant on why I see safety going down hill, it is people like this who bring safety down...
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