This is a reply from a excellence safety coach with much common knowledge from the same books as others he likes
Alan Quilley CRSP The legal "justice" system has been unable to alter human behaviour is other areas of society. Why in the world would we believe that it will work in this area. (Tongue in cheek comment) "Thank GAWD we've stopped killing each other, that illegal drug thing has gone away as has crimes against children. I can't wait for it to work in OH&S!" Give our collective heads a shake and recognize this is simply about Crime and Punishment (revenge). Again I'm open to hearing about any solution that actually worked! I'm certainly unaware of any show lessDelete
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Alan, you really should stop making your point as if you think its a TIC comment, you are mockingly serious..:)?
Alan...Just like the zero harm debate (laws won't stop harm), so to laws will not stop every criminal...but they stop many from taking this pathway of doing as they feel (maybe we could have a law to stop closed mided excellecne coasches banning people because they disagree with them:):):):):) in safety (this area) blame plays a very important part in maintaining a sense of order for the greater good of all... You push reaching a high goal like excellence, and sell 'your excelence' service to organisations as a means to reach some goal just of perfection....are you not aware of your own marketing and that you offer a solution!!! maybe a emperor has a hat! show less