Its about a different perspective

Its about a different perspective
It’s amazing when those who think they like free speech turn away when questioned. Extremist views on the nature of things grant nothing but extremism itself. You want to live in grey, then stop pushing and advertising an ideology, for as soon as a person speaks their mind, they are making their opinion...MD / The photo represents the naive thinking that one can think in an unconscious grey state of mind: you cannot think in an unconscious state (thinking is an effort). I am not sure where some get their expert titles from! The grey area represents those who think grey areas is where safety should be. Status Quo is the alternative solution that may emerge over time in following of those who think they know all. An head up arse is just where some people thrive...sorry

Workplace death rates are going down

I did an interesting the other night. I was again looking at workplace death rates stats (as I have been for sometime), and was staring at the national fatality rate between, 2003 to 2013. Something was not right as I know stats do not always show the truth, why was it going down. I was in a critical thinking state of mind and was trying to work out another reason why rate was trending down (which looks real good). Readers of mine know that I also think that this rate is going down for other reasons, such as better plant and equipment design and more officer ownership of safety. But there had to be more to it.
I thought, what did the unemployment line look like. So I got onto a site showing the employment rate and punched into the graph the dates between 2003 and 2013. I then copied these and placed them next to each other and then looked at them to see if there was any relationship there. At first I could not see anything, but always thinking outside the box, I flipped one graph upside down. There it was; a somewhat similar trending line that when superimposed over the other matched very close the other trending line. What I have observed is that the unemployment rate seems to have a similar line to the death rate. What does this mean? We’ll just on this one point, we cannot look at our death rate and advertise to naive people that safety must be working, that there are other influences that can make a difference to outcomes on graphs. The government is not going to say that workplace death rates are down because unemployment if up are they! I wonder if suicide rates can be related to unemployment, I know they do, I have already looked.

The red and blue lines are what I superimposed; the death rate is red line and blue line is unemployment rate (the red line is the one I turned upside down to relate the incline in unemployment with decrease in deaths (although it looks like an increase in deaths here which is not correct as its upside down)- point here is the
less people working the less death rates - bring on AI

And people call me too passionate and to critical to dam right (you can see why business don't want to employ such high drive and passion for safety – don’t use my research for your own gain!