Its about a different perspective

Its about a different perspective
It’s amazing when those who think they like free speech turn away when questioned. Extremist views on the nature of things grant nothing but extremism itself. You want to live in grey, then stop pushing and advertising an ideology, for as soon as a person speaks their mind, they are making their opinion...MD / The photo represents the naive thinking that one can think in an unconscious grey state of mind: you cannot think in an unconscious state (thinking is an effort). I am not sure where some get their expert titles from! The grey area represents those who think grey areas is where safety should be. Status Quo is the alternative solution that may emerge over time in following of those who think they know all. An head up arse is just where some people thrive...sorry


99% of safety people I have had any dealings with are scared and anxious about applying safety in any practicable manner as raising real issue threatens their job. When talking to them about an issue that needs practical resolve, a resolve they know they cannot raise due to fear of being attacked by production or management, the most common reply I have heard is “I know, but what can you do, best leave as don't wan't to upset anyone”, this is a cop out and weak.

This is referencing the fact that they have chosen to ignore an issue, have preferred to take the easy way out, they have failed as a person practicing due diligence and failed as a safety person. These people are not safety practitioners of any real value, for if risk management cannot be taken serious or you are affraid to raise topics of safety, then you would get more self dignity cleaning toilets. If you ignor safety isues then there cannot be any real value applied to safety. Anyway those who choose to look the other way, who choose to live in grey areas are reward for this ignorance; job security.