all these workplace deaths that happen in Australia every year, other than
maybe the real big ones that have inquests, why are the causal factors not
released to the public?. Are we afraid of the truth? Do we prefer play them
down and forget about them? Is it unethical to lay blame on whatever caused the
event? If it’s purely an accident there is nothing to be ashamed of and there
still could be some good learnings. If though there are another reasons, such
as pressure, unfit plant and equipment, rules not being followed, poor
supervision or management etc etc, then these have to be advertised. I want to know the
main causality of all workplace incidents. I think there are also too
many “phoenix” companies – companies which intentionally go into receivership
in order to avoid their legal obligations.
"We want to talk morality and ethics in relation
to OHS, I see not much of it being practiced" MD
has to be a few main inherent causalities that do not deserved to be swept
under the carpet. There has to be reason why people who allowed for these
incidents to occur have been able to kept their jobs. I know of leaders/officers
that still work in a company or have gained new employment elsewhere who have
contributed to an incident through inaction of known factors. You don’t see
this on their LinkedIn profiles, it’s all perfect and full of advertised Safety
First promotion and Safety Leadership. It is like the big incidents we have, if
there were no inquiries into these, the truth would never be known (other than
what crap is spun on TV). Companies would hide every truth and lie about all facts
using the old “ah, we didn’t know”...
I would
propose as a start, that all workplace death causalities and or any other
incident requiring state OHS inspectors involvement be made public in central national
OHS webpage, that officers to be named if found responsible (this includes harassment,
bulling etc). I have seen incidents occur that did not have to occur, but did
due to neglect of requirements and the ignoring of best practices. I have seen
in these cases not one penalty handed out as WHS Qld was not interested (to
under staffed). I have seen the investigation not handled with due consideration
and real causal factors hidden. No one seems to be taking safety serious. It’s
a reactive industry full of ass covering and incompetence.