The workplace
sector (everyone who gives labor to collect a payoff) has reached a equilibrium
point of accident and incidents (events). Just as there will be a certain
number of rabbits killed by foxes, just as there will be a certain level of
children sexually abused, just as there will be a certain level of dickheads
who drink and drive and who cause innocent deaths, just as there will be a
certain level of car crashes, just like there will always be workplace events. All this
talk about improving safety (using psychology) getting people to think
more, using all methods of mind manipulation and using unconscious thinking
will not make any real difference. You see, even those who practice all these
things with due practicality still have events. If we cannot have ZERO, then we
must just accept a number higher than ZERO, this number is about 10 (a philosophical argument number). Trying to reduce workplace harm below the mean level is a waste of time. Events happen...
"We wish for utopia but the true reality is that we exist in Dystopia. Any fool who thinks otherwise is the person who lives in a world of dreams"MD And as with all my sites, a least I write my own topics and my site is not that of others.